Jolly Green Giants? Who knows where they came from?
According to the bible. Genesis 6:4 Giants are the result of the Sons of God (I'll go ahead and assume we are not talking Jesus' literal brothers here) mating with human women.
There is a strong case to be made that this was the entire reason for the flood in the story (since Genesis 6:4 happens right in the middle of the flood story). Maybe, it wasn't that mankind was wicked or evil. Maybe that was not the kind of corruption that Genesis was talking about. Maybe the reason for the flood was that God failed to control the penises of his angels and he doesn't like halfbreeds.
Once again in the bible, we have an all-knowing God letting things happen that are apparently against his plan. Things an all-knowing god being should have known were going to happen before he ever created the planet. He couldn't stop the angel sex orgies so he decided to drown every living thing and start again.
According to some Angels don't even have the right junk!
Such this dickless angel from the movie Dogma!
Boom Chicka bow wow...

What mortal woman could resist angel sex?
If this was the reason for the flood though it quickly becomes apparent that this was a major fail on God's part.
After flooding the world and killing every living thing (which was major overkill) he either missed a few spots or he did nothing at all to keep this corruption from happening again.
We know in the bible that the giants came back after the flood. David and Goliath (and Goliath's six brothers) are the most obvious example, but in the Exodus there are several tribes the Israelites fear because they have giants with them and King Og of Bashan was a giant whose bed was 13.5 feet long. So whatever God did to prevent a repeat didn't work. If the story was real he killed everything with absolutely no plan to make sure it didn't happen again. Everything dead, everything drowned, a few centuries pass and "BAM" we got giants again.
Goliath had to come from somewhere.
God did nothing to fix it.
Nothing at all.
The giants came back.
Not these giants.
More like these giants.
I mean really, even if you don't believe in this giant nonsense what was the friggin point. He killed everything and then did nothing to change things. It seems like those crazy angels were still sexing up human babes all over the place.
I guess he finally got it right since no evidence for giants exists.
This was 100% FAKE by the way!
Andre was an awesome giant - but he doesn't count!
Or maybe he was the result of angel sex too?
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